Saturday, August 18, 2012

(belated) whimsical wednesday.

(Disclaimer: these are typed exactly as they are written in my half-snoozy state.)

6/13 - hour long nap
I went to my training at HHW and it was this half finished house. I went in and Gene Simmons and (black Santana?) we're playing together later that night. The House was huge. There were a lot off people there that I thought were clients but they were people knew. Gradnpa bob was there drinking out of a big garorade thing with a bud light sticker on. Kevin C and Diana Rire almost hit me with a car while I was sitting in the curb. They had painted the house so it looked like there was a big performance area stage then actually it was small. Gene Simmons would do an acoustic set later. They were warming up and I ran to get my phone, then ran to get a hat (symbol) for black santana and missed a photo op. I ran passed two teenager boys sitting on the curb and heard them say I was small and they could take me. I had no makeup on and was embarrassed to seen people from high school. We took our extreme stadium seats and living ads started. They would light up a wall to my right and do living people commercials. There was one for orbit, then a green and orange one with Will Ferrell wearing a giant Afro under the spotlight. Then I woke up.

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